Kerbal space program update
Kerbal space program update

The game will not be released before 2022. Intergalactic space travel is also possible. These colonies are getting smarter and at some point can build their own technology and thus further explore the stars. In this sequel, players can create colonies to collect materials. Kerbal Space Program 2 is also underway, a sequel to the acclaimed simulation game where players build their own rocket to travel through space, offering even more options for building a space program. Finally, some new parts have been added to the game. The inventory system is also being adjusted, so that both the vessel and the Kerbals can now carry ship parts. Previously this was only possible on their home planet. The biggest change from Update 1.11, aka Some Reassembly Required, is that Kerbals can now modify the spacecraft during a mission. The patch makes some significant changes to the gameplay. Last week a new update for Kerbal Space Program came out. Kerbal Space Program update changes quite a bit

Kerbal space program update