Cold war enhancement mod
Cold war enhancement mod

cold war enhancement mod

From multiplayer specialist weapon,the grenade will split into 2 after impact,Same damage as a frag grenade.After PAP ,it just like Merciless Dash in BO4,you can charge forward and kill all enemies in front of you instantly(unlimited damage).Changed the weapon animation from Infinite Warfare.

cold war enhancement mod

  • Players will be auto revived at the end of round and will gain full health.
  • You can change perk limit,zombie limit,zombie spawn delay at real time by using additional commands.
  • BO4 Carpenter(In order to ensure maximum compatibility, the shield will be repaired after the carpenter is over).
  • Gorod Krovi game timer for all Treyarch Maps.
  • cold war enhancement mod

    added Cabcon's modmenu from his github(require advanced features trun on).Trade Weapons with another player(thanks MakeCents.BO4 Style Coop Pause(No vote needed,Open PauseMenu you will see it).Your action will be record in subtitles! following:.Report your status in Subtitles(Thanks for Sphynx's subtitle scripts) Some maps set a playerhealth value lower than 100 as the default, this function will restore the playerhealth back to default.Drop 1000 of your points as a Power-Up(Will need 10 points for extra cost).When you hold too many perks, your loss speed will increase, and when you hold too few perks, the loss speed will slow down.

    cold war enhancement mod

    Perks will not all be lost when entering the laststand as before, but gradually lost one by one.Perk losing from Black ops 4/Advanced Warfare Just like the Cold War Zombies, it will show how you got the score next to the crosshair.Bypass the detection of certain maps that are not allowed to load mods.Dynamic hitmarkers, also including Black Ops 4, Modern Warfare 2019, Cold War hitmarker sound effects.(Please see additional commands for how to modify the hitmarker sound).WeaponLocker and Banks from Black Ops 2, it can store your weapons and points between matches.(The WeaponLocker and the Bank are in different locations on the official map, and the custom map is at the spawn point).WeaponLocker and Bank(Thanks for JariK's savedata script) If you have camo on your weapon, after PAP, camo will not change.When using the suppressor to kill the zombies, there is a higher chance of getting Power-Up drops.All weapons are unlocked by default, and every Black Ops 3 camo(including blackmarket camo) will be in the same place, you can choose what you want!.Add new camo from other Call of Duty games, such as Diamon in Infinite Warfare, Dark Aether in Cold War Zombies, and X-ray camo in Advanced Warfare.After reconnecting, you will regain what you lost (also applies to the next round of respawn after death). When you are disconnected from the current host, the current host will store your weapons, perks and points.

    Cold war enhancement mod